About Daphyne Lovejoy

Daphyne Lovejoy has been the Content Curator for Pin Paws since 2017. She is the proud fur-momma of four dogs and has volunteered for animals rescues, promoting health and quality of life for our furry friends. Her blog is packed full of useful tips and ideas fueled by her passion to help pet parents answer those fun, quirky and challenging questions.

The French Bulldog Guide to Home Grooming

If you brought home your new French bulldog thinking they’re low-maintenance in the grooming department, you may have been mistaken. Their coat may be short and fine, but that still doesn’t mean your Frenchie requires anything less than a regular grooming routine. There are a number of things to consider when grooming your Frenchie. So, [...]

The French Bulldog Guide to Home Grooming2025-02-12T22:24:47+00:00

Persian Cat Breed Information

Persian Cats Persian cats are a medium-sized breed that enjoys being with humans. This adorable feline comes in a range of colors and shades. Persian cats are recognized for their flat faces, large eyes, and long, silky coats, but they are more than simply pretty faces. You won't find a more loving mate if you're [...]

Persian Cat Breed Information2025-02-12T22:22:37+00:00

Why Cats Go Crazy for Catnip

Catnip is well-known, but not everyone knows what kind of plant it is or how the science behind it influences a cat's mood and behavior. This blog will explain how this plant works, why cats go crazy for it, and whether there is such a thing as too much catnip for a cat. Catmint, cutworm, field [...]

Why Cats Go Crazy for Catnip2025-02-12T22:14:17+00:00

How to Safely Introduce Dogs and Babies

Introducing Dogs and Babies Dogs tend to emotionally attach to their parents and live with every joy and sorrow together. They sense the emotional uplift after pregnancy among the parents, however the high-end emotional tuning doesn't translate into a positive adjustment anticipating the arrival of the little one. It would be best for pet [...]

How to Safely Introduce Dogs and Babies2025-02-12T21:46:24+00:00

Diagnosing and Treating Parvovirus in Dogs

Parvovirus in Dogs CPV or canine parvovirus is one of the most contagious and deadly viral infections in puppies. It is a DNA virus, commonly infecting young and non-vaccinated dogs. The virus is spread either through direct contact with an infected pup, or indirect contact with a contaminated object. This relentless virus usually effects [...]

Diagnosing and Treating Parvovirus in Dogs2025-02-12T21:34:50+00:00

Why Do Cats Sleep So Much?

Why Do Cats Sleep So Much? The answer to the question, "Why do cats sleep so much?" ultimately leads to one recurring answer: They are natural predators. Typically, cats sleep 15 hours a day, and can stretch its sleep to 20 hours. However, there are other factors that contribute to the ongoing daily 'catnaps' [...]

Why Do Cats Sleep So Much?2025-02-12T21:16:44+00:00

Discover the Differences: Service Dog vs. Therapy Dog

Discover the Difference Between Therapy Dogs & Service Dogs There are over 50,000 therapy dogs in the United States and anywhere from 100,000 to 200,000 registered service dogs, estimates Service Dog Central. While dogs are faithful animals, providing us with comfort, excitement, and happiness, some dogs are trained to help us in our everyday tasks. [...]

Discover the Differences: Service Dog vs. Therapy Dog2025-02-12T21:06:10+00:00

Learn Easy Steps on How to Train Your Puppy

Learn How to Train a Puppy Regardless of whether you bring a new pet home or are tying to teach an old dog new tricks, there's some main pointers to follow when training a puppy. While this task requires consistency and positive reinforcement, it can easily be accomplished. The American Kennel Club labels some basics [...]

Learn Easy Steps on How to Train Your Puppy2025-02-12T20:55:57+00:00

The Basics on How to Train a Cat

The Basics on How to Train a Cat Cats are canny, adorable creatures and can make outstanding companions. They are more independent than their household competition, dogs, which makes them a perfect pet for someone with a busy lifestyle. Owning a kitten can be very satisfying and gives you a puurrfect creature to adore. [...]

The Basics on How to Train a Cat2025-02-12T20:40:48+00:00

National Take Your Dog to Work Day

National Take Your Dog to Work Day June 25, 2021 marks the 23rd National Take Your Dog to Work Day People have been remotely celebrating Take Your Dog to Work Day for the last year and a half due to COVID. Now that we are beginning to return to the office it can be hard [...]

National Take Your Dog to Work Day2025-02-12T20:27:38+00:00
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