Benefits of Pin Paws Pet Care: Top 10 Diagnoses

Benefits of Pin Paws Pet Care: Top 10 Diagnoses

By -Published On: March 5th, 2019-Categories: Pet Health, Pet Insurance-
brown and white Boston terrier receiving examination with otoscope

Pin Paws Pet Care is powered by MetLife effective 2021 with new plan details. What are the benefits of pet insurance? A recent study showed the top 10 reasons pet parents take their furry one to the vet.

  • Skin Conditions
  • Stomach Issues
  • Ear Infections
  • Eye Conditions
  • Pain
  • Growth
  • Urinary Tract Infection
  • Allergies
  • Cruciate Ligament Injuries
  • Cancer

Let’s delve into the costs of each diagnosis and what a Pin Paws Plus Pet Care membership could save you.

Diagnosis and Savings with Pin Paws Pet Care

Skin conditions can be the result of numerous things including allergies to various types of grass, trees, fungus, wheat, oats, white potato, and beef. With a new puppy, you cannot do a full allergy test until they have lived through eight season changes. As a result, you can expect to be making a ton of trips to the vet. Since pet insurance does not cover pre-existing conditions it is smart to get pet insurance early on to protect your pocketbook down the road. This is only one of the benefits of pet insurance, and with a Pin Paws Pet Care policy, if your vet bill was $2,000, you would pay your $100 deductible and be reimbursed $1,710*.

Stomach issues can be caused by feeding your dog foods they are not supposed to have, changing their food too quickly, or the ingestion of a foreign object (stick, toy, anything really). The top five most toxic things to never, ever feed your dog are grapes, raisins, garlic, chocolate, and xylitol. If your pup does, however, suffer a bowel obstruction, a CT scan alone to look inside their tummy can cost at least $3,000. With a Pin Paws Pet Care Policy, if your vet bill was $3,000, you would pay your $100 deductible and be reimbursed $2,610*.

Ear infections are no fun trying to get a good night’s rest when you are kept up with a dog (or 2) shaking their head and scratching their ears. The course of action taken to clear up an ear infection with the veterinary visit, professional ear flush, pain medication, and antibiotics can run $600. If surgery is required due to a more serious underlying problem, this can cost over $1,000. With a Pin Paws Pet Care Policy, if your vet bill was $600, you would pay your $100 deductible and be reimbursed $450*.

Eye conditions include abrasions or trauma from roughhousing, pink eye, glaucoma, infection, ulcers or cherry eye. It is important to have pet insurance before the onset of an eye condition so that future expenses can be reimbursed. With a Pin Paws Pet Care Policy, if your vet bill was $2,600, you would pay your $100 deductible and be reimbursed $2,250*.

There is an endless list of things that can cause our pets pain. With a Pin Paws Pet Care Policy, any aforementioned interventions would be 90% reimbursable after the $100 deductible is met*.

Urinary tract infection treatment and potential surgeries for more serious underlying issues can be costly. With a Pin Paws Pet Care Policy, this surgery would be 90% reimbursable after the $100 deductible is met*.

Allergies in pets can require extensive testing and treatment. With a Pin Paws Pet Care Policy, if your bill was $1,375 you would pay your $100 deductible and be reimbursed $1,147.50*.

Cruciate Ligament Injuries and Canine Cancer treatments can run into thousands of dollars. With a Pin Paws Pet Care Policy, you could see significant reimbursements after your deductible is met, ensuring your pet receives the best care without overwhelming financial stress*.

Pin Paws Pet Care memberships have been designed to save pet owners money, offering plans with maximum annual payouts of $2,000 or $5,000. To take advantage of pet insurance benefits, you can call our Customer Service Department at (888) 918-2386.

* These quote comparisons are based on Pin Paws Pet Care maximum annual payout options. The amount you will be reimbursed depends on if you elect for the $2,000 or $5,000 plan.

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