Facts About French Bulldogs
The French bulldog breed originated in and around Nottingham, England. Therefore, they aren’t really French. As lace workers were displaced from England during the Industrial Revolution, they migrated to France, of course taking their bulldogs with them. These pups served as little lap blankets while the lace makers worked. The reference “French” bulldog actually originated in England when English bulldogs bred with terriers, with their migration coining their Frenchie moniker.
Training a Frenchie can be difficult due to stubbornness. They respond well to positive reinforcement and treats.
Potty Training
Potty training should begin the moment you bring your pup home. Place your pup in the outdoor area you prefer them to eliminate and allow them to explore until they go potty.
Crate Training
Invest in a crate they can grow into. They will enjoy their own safe nook to retreat and will learn to spend time in their personal space when you are not home.
Early socialization is a key factor in creating a positive relationship with other people and animals. Your life will be much better with a well-behaved pup in public rather than a one that can become overly excited or energetic.
Frenchies do love to play. They enjoy toys that are throwable, chewable and interactive. Due to the strength of their jaw, selecting indestructible toys will increase the life of the toy. The classic Kong, antler chews, and treat balls are all good options for French bulldogs. It is important to know that Frenchies do not require a lot of exercise. They can easily be over-exerted and therefore limit the game of fetch to only a few throws and make sure your pup has access to an air-conditioned space at all times. The difficulty they have with breathing can cause complications and result in heat exhaustion or death.
The average lifespan of a French bulldog is 10 years.
Bred to be companions, French bulldogs are low-maintenance and get along great with people and other pets. They make great dogs for those living in tight spaces and are not big barkers. Frenchies will alert their owner when someone is at the door, however, do not expect them to be a line of protection should a burglar invade your home. They will sit with patience while all your valuable belongings are escorted out the door by a stranger. They make great watch dogs however not so much great guard dogs.
The blue color in French bulldogs is associated with a genetic problem called blue alopecia.
French bulldogs can not swim. One of their physical characteristics, brachycephalia, results in a very short snout. This makes it very difficult for them to keep their nose above water and when combined with their short legs and heavy bodies, they are not conducive to being a swimming buddy. Frenchies also have a large head which contributes to their inability to swim. On those hot summer days, French bulldogs can enjoy a frolic in a kid pool or run through the sprinkler. If a pool or larger body of water is around, take precaution with purchasing a dog life vest from your local pet store and provide close supervision to prevent a fatality.
Due to their stout shape and odd proportions, a large majority of French bulldogs are conceived through artificial insemination (AI) with over 80% delivered through C-section. AI protects the male dog from physical stress and increased body temperature which can be detrimental. A C-section is generally warranted due to the narrow hips of Frenchies in combination with the size of the breeds head. The average size of a French bulldog litter is three pups, with the range anywhere from a singleton to half a dozen according to Breeding Business.
Stenotic nares are defined as narrow nostrils. Frenchies are subject to breathing complications due to their flat faces, or brachecyphalic syndrome. This manifestation can be corrected and should be to improve the passage of air into the nostrils and lungs and improve breathing function. The procedure is performed by removing the impeding wedge of flesh that is restricting airflow.
Surgery to correct obstructed breathing can cost thousands of dollars.
Pet insurance is important to consider for owners of French bulldogs as a single, emergency surgery for a tracheal collapse can run as high as $4,000. Pin Paws Pet Care is a good option when considering the purchase of pet insurance. There are no age, breed or location restrictions with $100 deductible and 90% reimbursement for the life of the pet.