Mars Petcare launched the Better Cities For Pets program in 2017 to promote pet-friendly cities so that people and pets can have a better life together. It is no secret that pets reduce anxiety and depression, improve attendance at pet-friendly workspaces, provide protection, and help pet owners exercise by going on walks or having play dates at the park. With all the known benefits of owning a pet, wouldn’t it be great to live in a city that was accepting of and accommodating to these four-legged friends? Communities can now become recognized as being pet-friendly cities.
Recognized Pet Friendly Cities
Qualifications Required to be Named a Pet Friendly City
Better Cities For Pets has an online assessment to determine if your city is pet-friendly. The assessment includes factors such as your city profile, a city survey, and priorities. The city profile asks questions regarding how many pets are in the city and what pet programs are available such as pet-friendly parks. The city survey evaluates animal shelters and whether the city has a plan in place to protect pets should a natural disaster occur. Priorities include a city taking an active position in moving towards becoming a more pet-friendly city.
12 Traits of Pet Friendly Cities according to the Better Cities for Pets Model
Since its inaugural year, the program has impacted more than 100 cities, providing $100,000 in grants and $1 million in pet food donations, as well as resources and city-specific guidance to help more communities become pet-friendly.
2018 Better Cities For Pets Grant Recipients
In a surprise announcement, Mars Petcare decided to give EVERY city that applied for the 2018 grant free pet food donations for their local shelters and care facilities.
To apply for the Better Cities For Pets certificate visit: Better Cities For Pets
To apply for grant funding visit: Mars Petcare