Labeled the premier educational and networking event for employee benefits, brokers and agents, Pin Paws provided attendees with the knowledge of how to incorporate our pet benefits into their individual and group employee package [...]
Benefit6Pro Expo- Phoenix, AZ- April 2018
Jackson Hohenberger2020-01-09T17:08:12+00:00The Benefits6Pro Expo is a premier educational and networking event for employee benefits, brokers and agents. Pin Paws embraced the opportunity to introduce our pet benefits we offer to employer groups with great receptivity [...]

2019 Great Lakes Bay Animal Society Fast & Furriest 5K- Midland, MI- April 2019
Jackson Hohenberger2020-01-09T17:11:22+00:00The Pin Paws team made the journey to Midland, Michigan to sponsor the GLBAS 5K and their mission to save companion animals lives one by one in the Great Lakes Bay region. The top [...]
Super Zoo- Las Vegas, NV- August 2019
Jackson Hohenberger2020-01-09T17:11:59+00:00Super Zoo is the largest gathering of pet professionals in North America. Hosted at Mandalay Bay Hotel, Pin Paws was present as one of the over 1,200 exhibitors over a 3-day convention to educate [...]

HRC Fairway to Equality Golf Tournament- Carrollton, TX- June 2018
Jackson Hohenberger2020-01-09T17:12:40+00:00Pin Paws sponsored the golf ball cannon shoot competition hole at the 23rd Annual Fairway to Equality tournament. For almost two decades, the FTE tournament has supported the Human Rights Campaign mission to end [...]