Prioritize Your Pet’s Health,
Not Financial Stress

  • Comprehensive Accident & Illness Coverage
  • Preventative Care Available
  • No Breed or Age Restrictions
  • 4 Pet-Centric Membership Perks Included

Starting at $19.99/mo

Prioritize Your Pet’s Health, Not Financial Stress

  • Accident & Illness Coverage
  • Preventative Care Available
  • No Breed or Age Restrictions
  • Additional Membership Perks

Starting at $19.99/mo

Nationwide Pet Insurance Comparison

Curious as to how some of the MetLife Pet Insurance policy provisions compare with those of Nationwide’s Major Medical℠ plan?1 Take a quick glance at our table, and then click the link below the table for the full comparison chart.

Pin Paws Pet Insurance

Nationwide Pet Insurance

Includes All Ages and Breeds

0-Day Accident Waiting Period


Spaying and Neutering

Visit our MetLife Pet vs. Nationwide pet insurance page to see the full comparison chart and learn more reasons why MetLife Pet may be the right choice for you.

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